Original Duckhead has teamed up with the prestigious Kew Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its botanical marvels and groundbreaking work in plant science and conservation. Together, we've created a special collection of sustainable floral umbrellas that celebrate the beauty of nature while promoting eco-conscious living.
Kew Gardens is not just a garden—it's a global hub for botanical research, dedicated to understanding and protecting plant life around the world. From studying fungi to conserving wildlife habitats, Kew's mission aligns perfectly with our commitment to sustainability and respect for our planet.
Our collaboration with Kew Gardens has produced two stunning umbrella designs inspired by the wonders of nature. The first design features a vibrant floral print, capturing the essence of Kew's diverse flower displays. It's like carrying a bouquet of botanical beauty wherever you go.
The second design highlights a unique fungi print, drawing inspiration from Kew's groundbreaking research on fungi and their vital role in ecosystems. This umbrella celebrates the fascinating world beneath our feet and reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life forms.
What makes these umbrellas and bags truly special is their construction. We've used recycled plastic bottles to craft each product, turning waste into something beautiful and functional. By choosing our floral umbrellas and bags, you're not just adding style to your rainy days—you're contributing to a greener, healthier Earth.
Join us in embracing the beauty of nature and supporting sustainable choices. Let's protect our planet, one umbrella at a time. Check out our collaboration with Kew Gardens and discover how fashion can make a positive impact on our environment.
Original Duckhead is proud to partner with Kew Gardens—a place where science meets beauty and conservation meets creativity. Together, let's celebrate the wonders of our natural world and inspire change for a brighter future.
Shop the collaboration exclusively at Kew Gardens.